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Our Triple Goddess Kit allows you to perform rituals for each of the goddess' three manifestations: maiden, mother and crone. Use these oils in your own invocations for asking the deity to assist you in your spells, or use each individually to invoke the qualities of her individual phases. The oils also represent phases of the moon, perfect for moon magic and any Hecate (crossroads) enchantment. And because they represent the broad aspects of the goddess, you can use them to represent any corresponding deities you'd like.


Your kit includes:

  • Maiden Oil: blue cornflower, wild oregano, tulip and yarrow for creativity, bravery, sex, beauty, love, passion, rebirth, a discerning eye and strength.
  • Mother Oil: jasmine, mugwort and mullein for power and strengthening your psychic skills, increasing your full potential, intuitive guidance, strength, fertility, compassion and gentle guidance. 
  • Crone Oil: monkshood, hare's tail and black sage for wisdom, truth, tough love, guidance and transformation. 


Use all three to invoke the Triple Goddess, a spell included in the kit. 


This kit utilizes the following base items: coconut oil, and essential and fragrance oils. Caution: This kit contains poisons, namely in the Crone Oil. Caution and care is advised.

Triple Goddess Kit

SKU: 200044
  • **Please note, herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and everyone responds differently to the application or ingestion of herbs. Please consult a doctor and ensure for your particular situation (side effects with medications, pregnancy) that you are able to use particular herbs before you apply or ingest herbal products. As stated, our herbs are sourced from quality sources, like Mountain Rose Herbals or Starwest Botanicals, as well as local apothecaries, but it is important to address your particular body's capability in handling herbs. In addition, do not ingest unless explicitly stated or unless it's clear to do so, like for teas and oxymels.

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