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We pride ourselves on keeping our concoctions and incantations as close to traditional witchcraft as possible. Our Salem Box takes that mission and delves deep into the witchcraft used in New England in 1692, the height of the witchcraft hysteria and witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts (now Danvers). Your kit comes with incantations, recipes, ritual items and altar tools that were key elements in 1692 and the witchcraft practices and supplies that were used by villagers (and those ostracized) around that time.


Our box is not simply inspired by fictional tale or perpetuated by myth; Salem saw its fair share of folk magick practices, brought over from the old world by colonists. These practices were engaged in the colonies and in Salem in particular, where they faced uncertainties within their community and among neighboring tribes around the time of the hunts. It is no question whether they engaged in folk magick. Our kit brings these bits of old magick back to life by offering them to you in the most authentic way possible by getting as close to the real offerings as possible. From our poppets modeled after one found at Bridget Bishop's home to the hexafoils carved on home trim, we let the past inform our craft so that you can be sure your goodies are breathing new life into that old magick.


The amount of items in your box depends on the size you order. Regular boxes receive 3 items; large boxes receive 5.

Please note that our mystery boxes have varying items per box. As such, while every effort will be made to make the items useful for all, it may occur that a customer does not like a product. While that is certainly unfortunate, we cannot accept refunds based on disliking a product. Also: These items are likely to contain a variety of herbs. Please ensure that you be careful when in contact with herbs, as skin irritation from a particular plant is always a possibility. 

The Salem Box

  • **Please note, herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and everyone responds differently to the application or ingestion of herbs. Please consult a doctor and ensure for your particular situation (side effects with medications, pregnancy) that you are able to use particular herbs before you apply or ingest herbal products. As stated, our herbs are sourced from quality sources, like Mountain Rose Herbals or Starwest Botanicals, as well as local apothecaries, but it is important to address your particular body's capability in handling herbs. In addition, do not ingest unless explicitly stated or unless it's clear to do so, like for teas and oxymels.

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