Our Monkshood (A. napellus) Oil containes rickety, bronzed leaves of the aconite plant, one of the most deadly plants. While it is used in herbal remedies to help slow heart rate, the so-called Queen of Poison's deadly nature has been widely known and documented, with the plant used from homicides to tainting arrows with poison for a secure hunt. In the Victorian Language of Flowers, this plant was known for both chivalry and warning. Use this oil in particular for warnings and situations where secrets and deceit are possible, as well as spells concerning rebirth and death.
Our .5 oz bottles include fractionated coconut oil and true, authentic monkshood, with essential and fragrance oil. This plant is poisonous and should be handled with extreme care. Do not ingest, as it can lead to nausea, vomiting, breathing problems, bodily numbness, the feeling of insects crawling under the skin, slowed heart rate, paralysis and death. Onset of illness is minutes or hours after contact. Do not place this oil on your skin and do not ingest. Keep out of reach of animals and baby humans. Do not burn.
Store in a cool place not exposed to heat or direct sunlight for ideal shelf life. Stored in such a manner, it will last a long time (but we recommend using it within 6 months).
Please note: This plant may be under legal restrictions in your country. Please research prior to purchase.
Monkshood Oil
**Please note, herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and everyone responds differently to the application or ingestion of herbs. Please consult a doctor and ensure for your particular situation (side effects with medications, pregnancy) that you are able to use particular herbs before you apply or ingest herbal products. As stated, our herbs are sourced from quality sources, like Mountain Rose Herbals or Starwest Botanicals, as well as local apothecaries, but it is important to address your particular body's capability in handling herbs. In addition, do not ingest unless explicitly stated or unless it's clear to do so, like for teas and oxymels.