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Samhain is a popular sabbat wherein we celebrate the third harvest, celebrate and connect with those who have passed, banish negative energies and prepare for the winter ahead. Our Monkshood Conjuring Oil focuses on the conjuring aspect of the sabbat and includes the fabled poison plant, Monkshood, as well as gypsy flower. This oil also includes hare's tail, as the rabbit is known in lore to connect us to the Otherworld. 


This oil contains natural monkshood, a true poison that is one of the most deadly plants. Do not apply this to your skin or ingest, and simply use by placing a droplet in a wide-based candle. Symptoms of monkshood (aconite or wolfsbane) poisoning include nausea, vomiting, slowed heart rate, dilated pupils, and respiratory issues, and poisoning can be fatal.

We keep the herbs in the bottle so that your oil doesn’t lose its potency and so you can enjoy the beauty of the herbal blend. Store in a cool place not exposed to heat or direct sunlight for ideal shelf life. Stored in such a manner, it will last a long time (but we recommend using it within 6 months). 

Your package will include one dropper bottle (½ oz) of oil and hare's tale, monkshood and gypsy grass. . As always, be careful when in contact with herbs. While we use a quality source for our herb collection, skin irritation from a particular plant is always a possibility. 

Monkshood Conjuring Oil

SKU: 200422
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