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In the darker months, we may venture toward the nightshades, a collection of plants known for their callousness, toxicity and beauty. These plants have the ability to hush enemies, conjure love, hold boundaries and encourage solitude. Through time, it would be their deadly nature that eventually allowed them to rest, without someone to pluck their berries and petals to marvel them. Commonfolk learned to know better, and witches always knew.


Our Nightshade Kit comes with full-sized ritual oil filled with petunia*, black nightshade and tomato leaf. Paired with our oil is our nightshade incense and sachet, with three-leafed nightshade, tomato, copal, datura and protective herbs like vervain and mugwort that serve to enhance the nightshades' correspondences. This kit does not come with a spell card.

As always, be careful when in contact with herbs. While we use a quality source for our herb collection, skin irritation from a particular plant is always a possibility.

*In lieu of black petunia when not available, purple basil will be used. An equally formidable inclusion, basil signifies protection and, in the Language of Flowers, Hate.

The Nightshade Garden

SKU: 200025