Beltane is a spring sabbat in the Wiccan or pagan Wheel of the Year, and a fire festival. It's the festival of love, fertility, attachment, birth, abundance and continued growth of the intentions we set at Imbolc and Ostara. We perform rituals and spells on these topics, as well as honorings of the sun as it increases its presence in our lives.
Beltane, or May Day (May 1), conjures images of dancing fairies deep in the meadow, flitting alongside maidens in flowing white gowns, while the apple blossoms and flowers bask in the sun. The sun's rays hit the sweet woodruff, creating a sweet perfume that mixes with the honey, milk and oatcakes we have with our spring teas. It's a scene befitting the sweetest Romantic painting, and we'd expect no less for your own Beltane rituals. We've crafted a sabbat kit that invokes the fae for a few charms and spells related to Beltane's intentions.
Our Beltane kit includes:
Beltane Ritual Oil, to be anointed to dusty and deep pink pillar candles on your tea tables.
Herbal Sachet for abundance, love and the strengthening of healthy bonds, be they romantic or platonic.
Beltane Salt for love, kindness, trust, empathy, growth and communication, all important for all kinds of bonds.
A 3x5 spell card with spells to celebrate Beltane and Beltane intentions.
Our herbal blend for Beltane includes wild oregano, bleeding heart, passionflower, sweet woodruff, apple peel, hawthorn, hydrangea, damiana and motherwort. Let's get our maypole ribbons ready for a day with the fae and the flowers.
Beltane: A Sabbat Kit
**Please note, herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and everyone responds differently to the application or ingestion of herbs. Please consult a doctor and ensure for your particular situation (side effects with medications, pregnancy) that you are able to use particular herbs before you apply or ingest herbal products. As stated, our herbs are sourced from quality sources, like Mountain Rose Herbals or Starwest Botanicals, as well as local apothecaries, but it is important to address your particular body's capability in handling herbs. In addition, do not ingest unless explicitly stated or unless it's clear to do so, like for teas and oxymels.