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Many who practice green, herbal or cottage witchery strengthen their spiritual craft by working with the fae. Faeries are quick, playful little creatures, but they grow particularly fond of those who respect them, pay tribute to them (by leaving out little baubles, bells, honey and bread, milk and anise, and by planting certain flowers beloved by them) and wish to invite them into their lives as contributors, not as servants. While they have a tendency to be a bit tricky, they know the value of honesty and fairness, and are known to bestow kindness and blessings on those they feel deserve it.


For faerie magic, we offer you our full Faerie Collection, as well as the ability to purchase tems in the collection as stand-alone enchantment. Our Faerie Collection comes with:


  • Our Faerie (Fairy) Attraction Kit: This is a ritual kit that provides you all you need to invite fairies into your home. We include an herbal sachet and ritual salt, as well as our classic plant-based spell oil and classic spell card. These offer herbal correspondences that are beloved by fae: yarrow, elderberry, oak, ash, hawthorn, and lilac. We also include a small bell. (As always, be mindful when in contact with any plant material, as allergic reaction is always a possibility.)
  • Bluebell Oil: Bluebells are beloved by the faeries, and they can help grant wishes to those who know their power. They're also an herbal truth-telling plant, and so our oil is best for light-hearted wishing near cobbled wells, as well as darker magic when you wish the truth to be revealed or honesty to take place. 
  • Violet Oil: Violets keep us protected from another's enchantments. These are particularly useful for protection via candle magic or threshold marking.
  • The Faerie Magic Class: our six-session online course on faerie magic. You can learn about it here


If you'd like to purchase these items separately or pair them together, we offer that on the right-hand side. 

The Faerie Collection

SKU: 200019
  • **Please note, herbal products are not regulated by the FDA and everyone responds differently to the application or ingestion of herbs. Please consult a doctor and ensure for your particular situation (side effects with medications, pregnancy) that you are able to use particular herbs before you apply or ingest herbal products. As stated, our herbs are sourced from quality sources, like Mountain Rose Herbals or Starwest Botanicals, as well as local apothecaries, but it is important to address your particular body's capability in handling herbs. In addition, do not ingest unless explicitly stated or unless it's clear to do so, like for teas and oxymels.

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