We offer high quality witchcraft supplies rooted in tradition.
The Tiny Cauldron is a community of like-minded practitioners of many spiritual pathways, from wicca, herb magic, and cottage witchery to green and white magic, traditional witchcraft and more. We explore the history and context of various types of magic too, from the greenhouses of the Victorian era to the folk practices of the Old World, colonial America, the foothills of Appalachia and beyond. We offer you high quality, well-researched witchcraft goodies so that you can cultivate your skills. Through community, classes and the right herbal blend, we aim to help you move from beginner to intermediate witchcraft and beyond.

Our Best-Selling Salem Box:
Authentic folk magick from 1692.

New England in the 1600s was brimming with folk magick practices, a culmination of protective spells and charms to ward against witches and the evil eye, as well as divination practices and so much more. We need only to look to the vast scholarship, and the Salem events themselves, to see that folk magick played a large part in the daily lives fraught with uncertainties on all fronts.
Our Salem Box captures these bits of magick and brings them to you, from poppetry and witch bottle protections to hand-carved apotropaic hexafoils, "swallow water," apple peel divinations and the recipe for Good Sibley's infamous witch cake. Also included are historical cards detailing how each item was used in colonial American history, as well as how to use your items in your own witchcraft practice. In using these goodies, we honor the way it truly was and we breathe new life into that old magick.

Check out our book, The Contemporary Witch!

I am so excited to offer you The Contemporary Witch (out July 11, 2023). The Contemporary Witch is a physical hard-back book offering witches the skills they need to reach the intermediate witchcraft level. The book, co-authored by best-selling author Ambrosia Hawthorn of The Spell Book for New Witches and Seasons of Wicca, walks you through the many witchcraft pathways you may find on your witchcraft journey, from crystal, folk, traditional, nature and psychic witchery to witchcraft for hearth and home, divination and more.